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The Staff Representative Group (SRG) department/service areas representative must be dedicated to maintaining open lines of communication among classified staff and Student Affairs leaders. Individuals who meet the qualifications listed below and are willing and able to dedicate the time to the position should contact their supervisor for nomination to be the SRG Representative from his/her department/areas.
The Student Affairs Leadership Team Representative for the department/areas, in consultation with the individual’s supervisor, will review the nomination to ensure the individual has the time available to dedicate to the position. Should there be more than one qualified nomination for the SRG Representative position within the department/areas, an election will be held where the classified employees will vote on whom they wish to represent their interests.
Individuals seeking nomination to be the SRG Representative must:
- Be classified staff employees of Student Affairs within the department/areas they will represent
- Have completed the six month probationary period
- Have the time available to dedicate to the position, in addition to performing their regular duties
- Receive support from their supervisor
The SRG Representative must be willing and able to:
- Serve an entire two-year term as the SRG Representative.
- Communicate on a regular basis (by attending a staff meeting, talking with other staff and supervisors, etc.) with all levels and types of staff within their department/areas in order to collect and to respond to staff questions and concerns.
- Meet with their Leadership Team Representative on an ongoing basis to relay staff concerns and receive feedback regarding concerns previously raised (if not already addressed when originally raised).
- Attend all joint meetings with the Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief of Staff. There will be one joint meeting per semester (one during the spring semester and one during the fall semester). Should an emergency arise where the SRG Representative is unable to attend, the SRG Representative is responsible for sending an alternate to attend in his/her stead.
- As needed, assist the Leadership Team Representative in forming a committee(s) within the department/areas to plan any events.
- Participate in the election of two to three SRG Representatives to serve as Student Affairs representatives to the Staff Council. This election will occur during the spring semester joint meeting with the new SRG Representatives taking over in June of that same year.
In order to promote positive, constructive, and efficient communication among staff and student affairs administration, the SRG Representative must:
- Carry out their duties with a fact-minded focus.
- In all communications, do their best to address staff questions, concerns, and speculations with fact-based responses.
- Have frank, open and honest communications with the Leadership Team Representative. Should an issue arise where this type of communication is not possible or may be uncomfortable with the Leadership Team Representative, the SRG Representative may contact either the Chief of Staff, Matthew Waller, or Associate Vice President, Amanda Patterson, to set up a meeting to discuss the issue.
- Approach the position with the best interests of all staff in mind, taking care to seek input from a broad spectrum of the staff members they represent.
Staff Representative Group Bylaws
Division of Student Affairs – Adopted on 5/20/2016
The name of the group shall be Student Affairs Staff Representative Group, hereafter called SRG.
The SRG for the Division of Student Affairs strives to foster community among classified staff through advocacy and open communication. The SRG serves as a channel of communication between classified staff and administrators to address issues of concern and interest.
SRG Representatives must be classified staff employees of Student Affairs working within the department they will represent and must have completed their six-month probationary period. Those seeking to serve must be selected by their supervisor or departmental staff and must have the approval of their supervisor to serve. They must have the time to dedicate to the position in addition to performing their regular duties and be committed to serving their full, 2-year term. An SRG representative may serve more than one term. All SRG representatives are expected to attend every meeting or name an alternate to attend.
The SRG group will consist of seven (7) classified staff representatives, one each from the following Student Affairs departments, each committed to the designated term listed:
DRC/UTS – 2 years
Health Center – 2 years
Housing – 2 years
OVPSA (Development) – 2 years
Rec Sports – 2 years
Student Life (ELS, GL, ISL, Pride Center, MSP, OSC, SVRC, Transitions) – 2 years
Office of the Dean of Students (Tate, SCO) – 2 years
SRG elections should take place in May each year (not including special elections) and the newly elected representatives will take over in July of that same year. Staff representatives from the above named departments will serve their full, designated terms except for those representatives elected to fill unexpired terms. A representative whose term is expiring shall be responsible for finding his/her replacement from within his/her department. The representative shall first determine if there are any volunteers or either distribute ballots, tabulate ballot results, and notify his/her Leadership Team representative of the outcome. In the event that no one volunteers or no representative is elected, the director or department head shall appoint a staff member to the vacant position.
Special elections will be held under three circumstances: if a member of the SRG transfers from one division within Student Affairs to another, if a member resigns from the SRG, and if a member resigns from his/her position within Student Affairs. A special election should be conducted immediately to fill a vacant spot and should be conducted by the vacating member as described above or by the vacating member’s alternate.
Two SRG representatives will serve as representatives to Staff Council. Elections will take place in May each year with the new representative taking over in July of that same year. These representatives are expected to attend every Staff Council meeting or name an alternate to attend.
In accordance with federal and state law and University policy, staff may not be denied the opportunity to serve on SRG because of race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, disability, or Veteran status.
A simple majority is needed to pass a vote.
The SRG will have the power to amend its bylaws providing such amendments are approved by a majority vote cast at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Business Affairs
Contact Information
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
306 Memorial Hall
Athens, GA 30602
Amanda Patterson
Associate Vice President
Susan Cowart
Associate Director for Finance and Human Resources
Brandie Pentecost
Assistant Director for Finance and Human Resources
Tricia Clark
OVPSA Business Manager II