Academic Partnerships & Initiatives
Matthew Waller
Chief of Staff, Student Affairs

Consider Student Affairs a partner for your professional development. We offer workshops and trainings that can be tailored to the needs of your group, e.g. departments, committees, or learning communities. Student Affairs staff also offer regular workshops through Training and Development classes.

Attend or Present at the Engage Conference at UGA (September)

Join academic and student affairs professionals, support staff, and campus partners from institutions across the southeast for a day of innovative thinking and networking. Contact James Crawford, Student Affairs Staff Development Lead:

Attend a Workshop: Got your Six - Supporting UGA's Student Veterans

This course provides participants an awareness of UGA’s student veteran population and explores the challenges/opportunities faced by this population. Sign up through Training and Development.

Request a Consultation: Student Conduct

Request a consultation with a staff member from Student Conduct to learn more about classroom management and managing disruptive behavior. Contact Rebecca Scarbro, Associate Director of Student Conduct:

Request a Workshop: Student Development

The goal of this workshop is to support faculty in developing an integrated curriculum that fosters student development and learning. Consider requesting this workshop if you are redesigning courses or entire curriculum maps. Contact Kara Fresk, Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs – Academic Engagement and Learning Strategy:

Request a Training: Student Care and Outreach

Student Care and Outreach conducts trainings and educational sessions for various offices on campus by request. Contact Beau Seagraves, Associate Dean of Students for Student Care and Outreach:

Attend or Present at the Connect Conference at UGA (March)

The Connect Conference is centered on the LGBT community, creating solidarity, and community-building. Contact Chad Mandala, Director of the LGBT Resource Center:

Attend a Workshop: An LGBTQ Primer, Creating an Inclusive Community

The class discusses what it means to identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ) and how to create a more inclusive culture within the UGA community for LGBTQ-identified students, faculty and staff. Sign up through Training and Development.